sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009

How come?

So I changed huh? You got a phone, pick it up, call me..

How come, we don't even talk no more,
And you don't even call no more,
We don't barely keep in touch at all,
And I don't even feel the same love when we hug no more,
And I heard it through the grape vine we even beefing now
After all the years we been down
Ain't no way, no how, this bullshit can't be true
We'are family, and ain't a damn thing changed, unless it's you!

Cum am ajuns aici?Ce s-a intamplat cu noi?Ai crescut la fel ca mine,am intrat in aceleas belele,am avut impreuna aceleas probleme,de ce azi esti asa rece?Imi amintesc si acum clipele in care eram "o familie",cand lumea ne invidia cat de bine ne intelegem,cum ne intalneam zilnic,dormeam unu la altul,aveam fiecare un umar pe care sa plangem.Inteleg,ai plecat,ai incercat sa-ti faci un viitor,ai incercat sa faci ceva cu viata ta.Dar totusi,de ce esti asa rece?E vina mea ca viata ta e cum e?
Nu mai dai un telefon,nu mai vi la mine,nu mai vin la tine,e asa...trist.Stiu ca m-ai ajutat de cate ori am avut nevoie,crezi ca am uitat cum stateai la mine si imi ascultai toate prostiile,cum ma plangeam pentru orice si cum tu imi ziceai sa fiu tare?Tu ai ramas si vei ramane acelas om pentru mine,acelas frate sau sora,acelas membru al familiei noastre.
Ma doare cel mai tare cum ne vorbim unii pe altii,nu credeam ca o sa ajungem asa.Stau si aud tot felul de povesti,imi spui ca m-am schimbat,le spui altora ca m-am schimbat.Imi pare rau ca nu mai sunt acelas om,imi pare rau ca nu mai am acelas chef,dar tu sti mai bine ca oricine prin ce trec eu.Cel putin,asta sper.Poate o sa realizezi ca nu's mai fericit decat tine,nu o duc mai bine.Ma intelegi cum m-ai inteles si pana acum.Ma intreb daca eu is de vina,daca eu am gresit,daca eu nu te inteleg.Sper sa fie bine,ai grija de tine prietene,ai grija de tine frate.

So young, so full of life in vibrant side by side wherever you was ridin' I went
So close, almost on some Bonnie and Clyde shit
You were right by my side with a shoulder to cry on
Tissue to wipe my eyes, and a bucket to catch every tear I cried inside it
You even had the same type of childhood I did
Sometimes I just want to know why is it that you surcame to yours
And mine I survived it, you ran the streets, I 9 to 5'd it
We grew up, grew apart, as time went by us, then I blew up
To both yours and mine surprises
Now I feel the vibe I just cant describe it
As much as your pride tries to hide it
Your cold, you touch its like ice
In your eyes is the look of resentment
I can sense it, and I don't like it

But I am really you friend, I'm just trying to tell you the truth
But don't hate the game or the player
'cause the one that is changing is you
And how come it's my fault for what you did with your life?
And everytime I go to hear you and play you look away
We barely embrace, you can't even look me in my face....

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